GoodSam stands for Sustainability, Action and Mission. Driven by a triple commitment to food that is not only good for consumers but also beneficial for farmers and the planet. At the heart of their mission is a simple yet powerful ethos: “Be an ally for small farms”. GoodSam firmly believes that by supporting the cause of small-scale agriculture, everyone stands to gain.

GoodSam stands for Sustainability, Action and Mission. Driven by a triple commitment to food that is not only good for consumers but also beneficial for farmers and the planet. At the heart of their mission is a simple yet powerful ethos: “Be an ally for small farms”. GoodSam firmly believes that by supporting the cause of small-scale agriculture, everyone stands to gain.

GoodSam stands for Sustainability, Action and Mission. Driven by a triple commitment to food that is not only good for consumers but also beneficial for farmers and the planet. At the heart of their mission is a simple yet powerful ethos: “Be an ally for small farms”. GoodSam firmly believes that by supporting the cause of small-scale agriculture, everyone stands to gain.


Consumer Packaged Goods


Brand Identity



Website Design

Website Development


Radhika Maheshwari

Wassim Serhan


In a departure from the conventional approach adopted by most food brands, GoodSam took a unique stance by placing its messaging at the forefront, prioritizing the narrative over the product itself. Rather than showcasing the end product prominently, we recognized a more profound story to be shared – one that delves into the origins of the ingredients, the creators, the land, and the community. For us, the bigger picture was the heart of GoodSam.


Consumer Packaged Goods


Brand Identity



Website Design

Website Development


Radhika Maheshwari

Wassim Serhan


In a departure from the conventional approach adopted by most food brands, GoodSam took a unique stance by placing its messaging at the forefront, prioritizing the narrative over the product itself. Rather than showcasing the end product prominently, we recognized a more profound story to be shared – one that delves into the origins of the ingredients, the creators, the land, and the community. For us, the bigger picture was the heart of GoodSam.


In shaping the brand identity, GoodSam has drawn inspiration from the vibrant and diverse colour palettes found in regions such as Colombia, Africa, South America, and Mexico. These regions not only contribute to the global agricultural origins but also bring a burst of energy and authenticity to the brand. The brand identity offers a captivating glimpse into the life of a farmer. It is a testament to their dedication to bringing the stories of the creators, the sustainable agricultural practices, and the community to the forefront.


The illustrations reinforce GoodSam's commitment to fostering a connection between consumers and the source of their food. The packaging acts as a compelling storytelling medium, narrating the tales of small farms, sustainable agriculture, and the indispensable role of farmers.

( DRAG → )


The brand identity offers a captivating glimpse into the life of a farmer. It is a testament to their dedication to bringing the stories of the creators, the sustainable agricultural practices, and the community to the forefront. GoodSam's approach isn't merely about a product; it's an invitation to join us in a journey that celebrates the richness of the land, the resilience of small farms, and the interconnectedness of communities.


In essence, GoodSam is not just a company selling healthy foods; it is a movement, a philosophy that strives to create a positive impact on the world. By aligning its brand identity with its mission, GoodSam emerges as an example for those seeking products that not only nourish the body but also contribute to the well-being of farmers and the health of the planet.